Q & A
Q: What is warez?
A: Warez is considered as pirated software. Also as paid material that is used free of charge.
Q: Will I get arrested if I download warez?
A: As long as you don't try to sell pirated content(warez) and are not a criminal who the government is looking for.
Q: How many people do this?
A: There are millions of users who download warez. Whether it be in torrents or direct downloads(ftp.)
Q: Why would I switch from torrents to warez?
A: Torrents are a hassle and have slow download speeds. With downloads from sites directly you will achieve atleast 80KB/sec on a normal dsl. It may go up to 300KB/sec.
Q: What is WarezRaid.com?
A: WarezRaid.com is a friendly community with many people who have a good time. We are not strictly a warez site, as we have many different forums where you can find what interests you!
Q: How do warez work?
A: The uploader would post the links to download it and you enter it into your url bar and download.
Q: What are some common upload/download sites?
A: Rapidshare.com, MegaUpload.com, FileFactory.com, MediaFire.com. Rapidshare is the most popular.
Q: Why should I buy a rapidshare account?
A: You don't exactly have to buy one. You can share with someone. If you come to think of it, buying it saves a lot of time and is just easier in the long run. WarezRaid does offer rapidshare accounts to VIP users who are trusted.
Q: What is warez?
A: Warez is considered as pirated software. Also as paid material that is used free of charge.
Q: Will I get arrested if I download warez?
A: As long as you don't try to sell pirated content(warez) and are not a criminal who the government is looking for.
Q: How many people do this?
A: There are millions of users who download warez. Whether it be in torrents or direct downloads(ftp.)
Q: Why would I switch from torrents to warez?
A: Torrents are a hassle and have slow download speeds. With downloads from sites directly you will achieve atleast 80KB/sec on a normal dsl. It may go up to 300KB/sec.
Q: What is WarezRaid.com?
A: WarezRaid.com is a friendly community with many people who have a good time. We are not strictly a warez site, as we have many different forums where you can find what interests you!
Q: How do warez work?
A: The uploader would post the links to download it and you enter it into your url bar and download.
Q: What are some common upload/download sites?
A: Rapidshare.com, MegaUpload.com, FileFactory.com, MediaFire.com. Rapidshare is the most popular.
Q: Why should I buy a rapidshare account?
A: You don't exactly have to buy one. You can share with someone. If you come to think of it, buying it saves a lot of time and is just easier in the long run. WarezRaid does offer rapidshare accounts to VIP users who are trusted.
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