Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Saturday, May 13, 2017
debricking a Router
Friday, May 12, 2017
root password of CA SecureSpan appliance
Novatech NVTEF10MIX
Intel powered classmate PC
The Intel Classmate PC for students and pupils have been around for several versions to buy and it has now introduced two new models, once., In the form of a new Windows 8.1 notebooks and an Android tablet PCs
The latest generation of the Intel Classmate PCs in the notebook version will go as a 10-inch model at the start and the extra cost of a few Euros you can get this model as a touch screen variant. In the area of performance you have time an Intel Celeron processor N2806 installed which technology is based on the Silver Mont / Bay Trail, as well as the latest Intel Atom processors.
The Celeron N2806 dual core offers a clock speed of 1.6GHz and the power consumption is 4.5 watts (TDP) indicated. In addition, also comes an Intel HD graphics chipset with 756MHz clock frequency and operating system Windows 8.1 are used. Other variants with Windows 7 and Linux operating systems to follow suit later this year.
The second model is also a new Android tablet PC has been introduced, which will advance as a 10.1-inch device. Here you will find an Intel Atom Z2520 dual-core processor with 1.2GHz clock frequency before, either 1GB or 2GB of memory and the internal memory can hold up to 32GB. On the front and back can be found in front of cameras and the built-in battery is designed to support a term of up to 12 hours. The operating system Android 4.2 "Jelly Bean" will be used.
The technical data / specifications / data sheet of the Intel Classmate PC notebook:
· 10-inch display (Optional Touch Screen)
· Intel Mont Silver / Bay Trail Technology
· N2806 Intel Celeron dual-core processor with 1.6GHz clock speed, 4.5 Watt TDP
· 756MHz Intel HD graphics chipset
· Windows 8.1 operating system
· Linux / Windows 7 versions in planning
Intel Celeron N2806 @ 1.60 GHz
Phoenix Technologies Ltd. MPBYT10A.88C.0029.2014.0530.1440
Problema: No da imagen luego de modificar la BIOS
Se logra desbloquearla cambiando el chip TPM y los 2 chips de la BIOS
Sacar la parte superior de la carcasa:
Sacar el teclado, que tiene cuatro trabas las cuales las haces hacia atrás y vas levantando el teclado pero con delicadeza no vayas a sacar las teclas y debajo tienes el flex el cual debes levantar la pestaña que hace presión, también hay una chapa algunas se corren hacia la izquierda y salen otras tiene un tornillo a cada extremo los retiras y levantas la chapa después tienes varios tornillos (6-8)
Sacar la placa: fíjate que tenes de la parte de atrás por debajo dos gomas que cubren los tornillos sacas estos con cuidado y con la ayuda de una punta plana vas sacando la base de la pantalla y bueno observa bien, espero te sirva. Claro esta es para las que tiene dos Gb. de ram. La otra de 1 Gb. es mas simple sacar la placa saca tonillos de la parte de abajo y los que están debajo del teclado y ya puedes sacar la carcasa y quitar los tornillos que sujetan la placa y todos los flex que están conectados como también el wifi.
Note: The term device is used to refer to Intel® Education Tablet and Intel® classmate PC.
Terms Definition
- Hardware ID A 12-character string that is unique for each device.
- Boot Tick A hexadecimal number that increases by 1 after the Theft Deterrent client applies a package from the server successfully.
- Provision Number (S/N) A 20-digit hexadecimal number generated from the Public Key of the Theft Deterrent server.
Bootear un linux ubunto x64 en un pendrive. Meter el pendrive > conectar el netbook > apretar repetidamente SUPR y F9 > tocar las teclas de direccion un poco y aprete enter varias veces, espere un poco y aparecio el logo del sistema operativo para comenzar la instalacion.
Como ven lo importante es que anda
la solucion, tienen que tener en cuenta que cada Bios tiene su propio software, por lo menos la que posteo, es para las canaimas con el bios "EF10MI2"
Buenas, logre instalar Windows 8.1
Primero instalen la BIOS de intel cambian el nombre del archivo MP0021.CAP a BIOS.CAP, la meten en la raiz de un pendrive y estando totalmente apagada presionan "Fn+R", sin dejar de presionarlo conectan el cargador hasta que comience a parpadear el led de encendido y luego la prenden, esperan un momento dependiendo de la velocidad del pendrive y los deberia mandar a la EFI Shell, si no les funciona el teclado (Como a mi me pasaba) Conectenle uno por usb, sirve bien, yo utilice incluso uno inalambrico porque era el que tenia, escriben "exit" en la consola y hay dos posibilidades, que les salga un menu de booteo
o que simplemente se quede en negro y haga boot, en el caso de quedarse negro en el mismo pendrive donde metieron el BOOT.CAP tenganlo preparado con windows 8.1 grabado con Rufus en GPT (O cualquier sistema que les sirva, pero esa version de windows principalmente porque permite desactivar el Secure Boot que tanto problema da) y les iniciara la instalacion, de ahi buscan como desactivar el secure boot y el uefi
PD: Dentro de la instalacion tampoco sirve el touch asi que se las arreglan con teclado o le instalan un mouse usb tambien
la posible solución es hacer lo mismo que muestra el vídeo, sólo que usando la bios "Phoenix MPBYT10A.88C.0029.2014.0530.1440"!q8ph0ATa!dOGrENawrywbBrL6AJ8xRK1VWLcaYcD5sOXtkQyxGEE
Con un programador basado en CH340, Si manejas arduino, puedes hacerlo tambien, aunque un poco mas lento, lo compras en ML y te regalan los binarios para unlock
tiene 1 sola solucion:
sacar el chip del BIOS. cambiarlo o en su defecto si tienen liberador flasharlo.
lo que hice fue comprar un chip de la BIOS nuevo, desoldar el que tenian y soldar uno nuevo!! problema solucionado esas netbook tienen un sistema de proteccion que no deja hacer ninguna modificacion en el setup.(conclusion no hay que entrar al setup)
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Windows Update Installation Failure 80240020
This is an expected message indicating that when installation begins it may require user interaction. This is the largest software upgrade event ever and we’re managing it so everyone has a great experience. We recommend waiting until your PC receives a notification to upgrade, and then following the instructions provided.
This is an expected message indicating that when installation begins it may require user interaction. This is the largest software upgrade event ever and we’re managing it so everyone has a great experience. We recommend waiting until your PC receives a notification to upgrade, and then following the instructions provided.
Please note that there is no problem
with your reservation or upgrade download. The upgrade download is not
corrupt as some have stated, and you will be notified in the coming days
or weeks when your device is ready to upgrade.
If you are very eager to upgrade, tech
savvy users with the above message can modify the following registry key
to install immediately.
Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you modify it,
back up the registry for restoration
in case problems occur.
Locate the registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade]
It should exist, but if not, create it.
Create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value with Name = "AllowOSUpgrade” (without the quotes), and set the Value = 0x00000001.
Once the registry key is modified, close and reopen the
desktop Control Panel, go to Windows Update and check for updates. You should now be able to click the
Get Started button to upgrade to Windows 10.
Note: Windows 8.1 users must go to the desktop Control Panel, and not the modern Windows Update UI.”
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
using an ASROCK H61M-HVS with VIA HD onboard audio. Noticed that the
default drivers windows installs for it are completely fucked.
Enhancements don't work at all, and it keeps defaulting to headphones
(front jack) even when you only have speakers plugged in.
To fix;
Update for Windows 10 Threshold - 15NOV15
To fix;
- Right click your start button, click system, and then go to advanced system settings
- Go to hardware tab and go to device installation settings
- Click no, then click Never install device software, then click okay.
- Open Device Manager
- Go under the sound field, select VIA HD Audio, and uninstall the driver, then restart your computer.
- Go to - download the .diagcab file. (Windows 10 has removed the ability to blacklist updates without using this file)
- Go through the steps and choose to ignore the VIA HD Audio update that is queued up.
Update for Windows 10 Threshold - 15NOV15
- Open device manager
- Go under Sound, Video, and Game Controllers
- Open VIA HD Audio, click uninstall
- Click action, scan for new hardware changes
- Wait for VIA HD audio to show up again
- Open VIA HD Audio, go to second tab
- Rollback drivers
- Open wushowhide
- Blacklist VIA HD Audio update
Friday, March 3, 2017
side by side error windows 10
Saturday, February 18, 2017
“No se pudo bloquear /var/lib/dpkg/lock – open (11: Recurso no disponible temporalmente)”
lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock
sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get autoremove
Monday, January 16, 2017
Samsung mobile MTP device can not start (code 10)
Go to the Registry Editor (Start -- Run -- "regedit" -- [ENTER]) Search the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\
If you click one of the few subkeys in class (e.g. {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}) you'll find the string value (Standard) on the right side with a value (e.g. DVD/CD-ROM-Drives) You have to find the value "Portable Devices" on the string value (Standard) (In my case {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}, but I don't know if they are called always the same. Once found, you see a string value called UpperFilters --DELETE IT! Finished! Now your Samsung Mobile MTP Device should be recognized and even installed correctly right away. (The name of the device changed to GT-I9100 (Devicemanager) in my case...) Here an explanation about UpperFilters and LowerFilters if you want to know more:
Go to the Registry Editor (Start -- Run -- "regedit" -- [ENTER]) Search the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\
If you click one of the few subkeys in class (e.g. {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}) you'll find the string value (Standard) on the right side with a value (e.g. DVD/CD-ROM-Drives) You have to find the value "Portable Devices" on the string value (Standard) (In my case {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}, but I don't know if they are called always the same. Once found, you see a string value called UpperFilters --DELETE IT! Finished! Now your Samsung Mobile MTP Device should be recognized and even installed correctly right away. (The name of the device changed to GT-I9100 (Devicemanager) in my case...) Here an explanation about UpperFilters and LowerFilters if you want to know more:
Windows update error code 450,-windows-7,-windows-server-2008,-or-windows-server-2008-r2
Modify Registry Permissions
- Click on the Start
button and in the search box, type regedit
- When you see regedit on the list, right-click on it and select Run as administrator.
- In the left hand panel of regedit, you will see a list of registry keys. Navigate to the following key, right-click on it and select Permissions...:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing - Click Advanced.
- Under the Owner tab, click Edit.
- Click "Other Users and Groups".
- Click Advanced.
- Click "Find Now".
- Scroll down and double click on Everyone.
- Click OK.
- Put the check in "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects", click Apply then change to the Permissions tab.
- Under type Deny, single click on any entries and click Remove. (N.B.: There may not be any Deny entries, in which case just ignore this step. Just remove any that do exist)
- Click Edit (now on the standard file Property window under the Security tab).
- Click Add.
- Click Advanced.
- Click "Find Now".
- Scroll down and double click on Everyone.
- Click OK.
- Single click on Everyone and then tick the "Full Control" box under Allow.
- Click OK TWO times.
Navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages
And, still in the left hand panel here, find this sub key Microsoft-Windows-IE-Troublesðooters-Package~31bf3856ad364e35ÿamd64~en-US~6.1.7600.16385
Rename it to: Microsoft-Windows-IE-Troubleshooters-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~6.1.7600.16385
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