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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Denied permission to access folders

When changing operating systems and migrating data, you might end up not being able to access some of your files or folders anymore. This can happen due to the fact that your user has lost ownership of those files & folders or it no longer has the required permissions. In this tutorial will try to address this type of issues and help our readers that reported having such problems.
Even though the procedure is a bit long, you will see that things are not very complicated.

You get padlocks on folders and files in Windows 7 when low permissions have been removed i.e. users, guests account, authenticated users from the folder. Follow the bottom half of this webpage starting from Changing Permissions
Change the permissions and take ownership of your files and folders | Windows Vista for Beginners

Where they add Administrators add Authenticated users instead.

If your having problems with the sub folders still after that. Then from the Security tab, hit the advanced tab then change permissions at the bottom then tick 'Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object' and hit OK.
Read More

Frostbite What you need to do is give Authenticated Users permissions to My Music then propagate the permissions down to the sub folders and files as follows. You can replace what permissions you like in screenshot 5 or leave it as full Control. That should sort it. Ok out of the last 2


not shown.

This is a common problem with files that you created from another installation of Windows.
This has to do with the security settings that Windows XP applied to these files.
Since they were created from your user account in XP, they do not apply to your user account in Vista, and so you are denied access in some circumstances.
To fix this, you can follow these steps:
- Click Start
- Type: cmd
- Right-click cmd when it appears
- Click Run As Administrator
- Change location to the folder you need access to (e.g. cd e:\folder)
- Type: takeown /F . /R /A /D Y > NUL
- Type: icacls . /grant USER:(OI)(CI)(F) /L /T /Q
(Where USER is your username - you will only have access from your
XP and Vista machine in this case)
[> is the character greater than without the ; character]
[It should be ""USER : ( O I )..." but without the spaces before and after : ]
(Or, replace USER with Users if you want anyone [on any computer
your hard drive is plugged into] to have full access to these files)
other version:
I restored the primary [C:] hard drive from an old computer running Windows XP to a new one as a secondary/additional hard drive on Windows Vista, and got a "You have been denied permission to access this folder" message.
Found this page via Google. Thank you, Jimmy Brush.
  1. Click Start
  2. Type: cmd
  3. Right-click cmd when it appears and select Run As Administrator.
  4. Change location to the folder you need access to (e.g. cd e:\folder).
  5. Type: takeown /F . /R /A /D Y > NUL
  6. Press the Enter key and wait for the command to complete.
  7. Type: icacls . /grant oscar:(OI)(CI)(F) /L /T /Q
  8. Press the Enter key.
iCacls sintax
iCACLS.exe (2003 sp2, Vista)
Change file and folder permissions - display or modify Access Control Lists (ACLs) for files and folders.
iCACLS resolves various issues that occur when using the older CACLS & XCACLS

I am now wondering whether my Vista computer somehow corrupted just one folder on my portable hard drive, even though my XP computer could still access the portable hard drive without difficulty. It was time consuming to recopy all the 100 gig of files into a new folder, but at least it has worked.
The Vista computer did not corrupt the folder. The problem is that XP set the permissions on the folder to only Administrators.
That works well on XP because virtually every user is member of Administrators and so can access it.
On Vista, even if you are a member of Administrators you cannot actually access resources as them without jumping through certain hoops. Jimmy's work-around basically just jumps through the hoops for you.
This is how Vista is designed. If you are interested in why, Mark Russinovich's UAC article is a good, although very technical, read:
Your question may already be answered in Windows Vista Security:

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