For NT5.2 MS Operating Systems MBRWizard v.2 is a Free Portable command line (Master Boot Record) MBR Manager created by Roger Layton. It can be used to address all types of Master Boot Record (MBR) problems. MBRWizard functions include; list MBR entries, backup a MBR, restore MBR from backup, repair MBR, list partitions, delete partitions and can even be used to create a bootable USB flash drive in Windows 7 .
MBRWizard – Master Boot Record Manager

MBRWiz Usage examples:
Note: These are performed via a command prompt.
Authors Website:
License: Freeware (for personal use)
Download: Get this MBR Tool HERE
MBRWizard v.3.x Command Line
MBRWizard – Master Boot Record Manager

MBRWiz Usage examples:
Note: These are performed via a command prompt.
Display a list of options:Extracted Size: 144KB
MBRWiz /List
Repair MBR:
MBRWiz /Repair=1 /Disk=0
Make Active "Bootable" Partition:
MBRWiz /Active=Yes /Disk=0 /Part=0
Create a backup of C Drive MBR:
MBRWiz /save=C:\savedMBR
Restore the C Drive MBR backup:
MBRWiz /Restore=C:\savedMBR
Hide a Partition:
MBRWiz /Hide=Yes /Disk=0 /Part=2
Delete a Partition:
MBRWiz /Part=2 Del
Authors Website:
License: Freeware (for personal use)
Download: Get this MBR Tool HERE
For NT6.1 MS Operating SystemsMBRWizard v.3.x Command Line
General Enhancements to the new MBRWizard 3.0 engine
- Initial support for GPT (GUID Partition Table)
- Removable Media Support (USB Flash Disks)
- VMWare Disk (.vmdk) Support
- Both internal disk support and display details have been increased to the PetaByte range
- Added support for Vista, Server 2008, and Windows 7
- Support for creating partitions has been added, including options to set the starting sector, size, sector aligment, and partition type
- Initial support for GPT includes basic backup/recovery, and partition deletion
- Added support for the VMware virtual disk format (.vmdk), including most operations supported on physical disks
- Support for repairing a Windows 7 or Server 2008 MBR has been added
- Explicit support for Removable media (USB Flash Drives, etc) has been added
- Both internal and display sizes have been increased to the Petabyte range
- Enhanced disk information, with detailed information for each disk.
- In addition to partition number, partitions can now be selected by volume label, drive letter, or by type (boot, system, utility, diag)
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